Chair of Libertarian Party Reveals Strategy to Help Trump Campaign

Angela McArdle: “… I encourage people to try to use the Chase Oliver campaign to pull protest votes from the left.”

Washington, D.C. – Angela McArdle, chair of the Libertarian Party, is encouraging members of her party to help Donald Trump’s chances by voting for their presidential nominee, Chase Oliver, in blue states and just revealed her party's strategy. 

On a livestream announcing her endorsement of Chase Oliver for president, McArdle laid out the plan: Libertarians vote for Oliver to take votes from the left and get Trump into office. She really couldn’t have been clearer: 

“Get in loser, we are stopping Biden. We have to do everything we can to kick Joe Biden’s ass. One of the best ways to do that is to support Chase Oliver and go hard in the paint for him in blue states … 

“I am 100% here for that clown show. We have to work very aggressively, especially in blue states, to make sure he has the support that he needs from the national party. I encourage people to try to use the Chase Oliver campaign to pull protest votes from the left.”