Cornel West

Cornel West is working with the Republican Party.

Republican operatives, donors, and lawyers are helping get Cornel West on the ballot, because they know his spoiler campaign will help Trump win.

Seemingly every week, a news story appears that reveals who’s helping him: paid Republican activists and lawyers. MAGA activists are collecting signatures outside Trump rallies, saying, “This helps take votes away from Joe Biden.” And so far, reporters have identified Republican political consultants in at least two states who are being paid to petition for West. Nobody knows who’s paying them.

North Carolina elections officials refused to approve West’s ballot bid after a fraud investigation, finding that the campaign was misleading voters. Now the Republicans have gone to court to get West on the ballot there: a GOP lawyer, Phillip Strach, has filed suit. Strach frequently represents Republican legislative leaders in court and has recently defended them in gerrymandering lawsuits and challenges to stricter election laws. His firm has been paid tens of thousands of dollars by the RNC, North Carolina Republican Party, and National Republican Congressional Committee.

Cornel West Is an Ally to Right-Wing Republicans >>

Right-wingers know: West helps Trump win.

West can’t win 270 electoral votes. But the MAGA right knows that by taking votes from Kamala Harris, he can give Donald Trump the electoral votes he needs to win a second term.