MoveOn Fact-Checks MAGA-Aligned PAC Running $2 Million in Deceptive Ads About RFK Jr.’s Anti-Abortion Record

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action is calling out SAG PAC, a new group with Trump and Republican ties, for spending millions of dollars to spread lies about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s anti-abortion record.

After forming in early July, SAG PAC has already dropped $2.2 million on digital ads and direct mailers on RFK Jr. Right now, the organization is running an ad on YouTube in five swing states backed by a six-figure ad buy showing pictures of RFK Jr. alongside banners reading “pro-choice” and “progressive Democrat.” The narrator says, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to restore abortion rights nationally,” adding that he has “a long record fighting for abortion rights. That’s the real RFK.” Nothing could be further from the truth. 

RFK Jr. has constantly shifted his positions on abortion to suit the audience at hand. In interviews and on the campaign trail, RFK Jr. has repeatedly tried to walk back his anti-abortion stances, but with more conservative audiences, he signals support for the same 3-month abortion ban supported by Donald Trump. For years, his running mate Nicole Shanahan has been a longtime opponent of IVF. RFK Jr.’s support for abortion restrictions places him at odds with the nearly two-thirds—and rising—of Americans who support the right to choose

“We will not let RFK Jr. run away from his anti-abortion agenda. He is in lockstep with Donald Trump when it comes to a national abortion ban, outlawing IVF, and pulling commonly used forms of birth control from the shelves,” said Britt Jacovich, MoveOn spokesperson. “Our right to control our bodies, lives, and futures is under attack from radical politicians like RFK Jr. Every voter needs to know that abortion is on the ballot this November, and that is why Vice President Harris is the right choice to lead our country.”
