RFK Jr. Dumped Baby Bear Carcass in Central Park

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action condemned the latest unhinged Robert F. Kennedy Jr. episode detailed in The New Yorker. The piece reveals that 10 years ago, RFK Jr. discovered a dead bear cub on the side of the road, loaded it into his car, posed for pictures with the dead animal, and then faked an elaborate scene in Central Park to make it seem like a cyclist ran over the bear. The incident triggered an investigation by the NYPD. When asked about the bear incident, Kennedy said, “Maybe that’s where I got my brain worm.”

RFK Jr. confirmed the story himself to close friend and Holocaust denier Roseanne Barr in a video posted to Twitter. 

This New Yorker story follows another explosive piece from Vanity Fair just last month – revealing gruesome details of RFK Jr. sexually harassing and assaulting his children’s babysitter, sending sexually explicit images to friends and family, and posing with the carcass of a barbecued dog.

“The more we learn about RFK Jr., the more evidence we find of his bizarre and abusive behavior. His abusive treatment of women makes him unfit for office. His bizarre behavior with dead animals is disgusting and disqualifying. RFK Jr. is showing the American people who he truly is, and that’s why his entire campaign is in the gutter,” said MoveOn Political Action spokesperson Britt Jacovich. 

Read the full piece here.
