ROUNDUP: Kennedy Presidential Campaign in Shambles

Unstrategic Third-Party Bid Can’t Win, Will Only Hurt Biden

Washington, D.C. - In only the last few days, the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign has faced a slew of challenges underscoring their deeply unstrategic and reckless third-party spoiler bid. From campaign officials admitting their primary goal is to reelect Trump to Kennedy’s vice presidential pick Nicole Shanahan failing to attend any public events, it’s clear that this disastrous campaign has no chance to win and could only serve as a spoiler. 

Here is a roundup of the latest chaos facing the Kennedy Jr. campaign: 

  • CNN: RFK Jr. New York campaign official says her ‘No. 1 priority’ is preventing a Biden victory
  • NBC News: Nicole Shanahan has been quiet since being named RFK Jr.'s running mate
  • CBS News: Rep. Ro Khanna calls on RFK Jr.'s running mate to step down. Here's how Nicole Shanahan responded.
  • CNN: RFK Jr. campaign official attended Jan. 6 ‘Stop the Steal’ rally and wanted ‘favorite President’ Trump to run for third term
  • Axios: Dolores Huerta, big supporter of RFK's '68 run, decries RFK Jr's '24 bid
  • ABC News: RFK Jr. says he 'made a mistake' after Jan. 6 comments
  • The Hill: RFK Jr.’s bump in polling fails to materialize after VP pick

On Friday, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting appeared on MSNBC’s “The Last Word" to discuss how, just like No Labels, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy has no path to 270 electoral votes and will only help Trump’s reelection. The appearance followed a joint press call with Third Way outlining how a diverse, pro-democracy coalition united to pressure No Labels and its onetime followers to walk away from its misguided, dangerous bid for the White House.