ROUNDUP: Third-Party Threat Looming Large, Despite RFK Jr.’s “Suspension”

Washington, D.C. – As Democrats continue to rally behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz after last week’s strong and joyful showing at the Democratic National Convention, it is becoming clearer than ever that the third-party threat is still looming large over the 2024 presidential race.


With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fully debasing himself to please Donald Trump, Cornel West’s campaign is seizing on the moment to try and court anti-science, anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. supporters. In a video posted to X, West co-opted RFK Jr.’s dangerous anti-vaccine messages to peddle to his followers, saying: ”I propose a COVID-19 Truth Commission to explore the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, seek reparations, and ensure justice and equity in our future responses. We must also challenge the censorship that silences diverse voices in these critical conversations.”


For months, Republicans have gone all-in on their national strategy to get West on the ballot in swing states to boost Donald Trump. West has continually used lawyers and MAGA consultants who have ties to dangerous right-wing causes, including anti-LGBTQ and voter suppression efforts.


Meanwhile, voters in battleground states are increasingly aware of Jill Stein’s climate hypocrisy. In a Wisconsin State Journal letter to the editor, Al Jacobs of Hobart, Wisconsin, called on Badger Staters who support clean energy and pro-climate initiatives to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. The letter also eviscerated Stein’s candidacy, noting how the direction of the Supreme Court is in play and how third-party candidates have empowered the Republican Party to implement weaker environmental protections.


REMINDER: Stein’s anti-environment record extends beyond elect Republicans: she personally benefits from oil and gas leases, including the Keystone XL pipeline, and profits from her stocks in Big Oil companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron.


And although RFK Jr. has suspended his campaign to endorse Trump, he will remain on the ballot in dozens of states, including three out of the seven core battlegrounds: Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.


More happenings from third-party candidates:
