RFK Jr. is a Pro-Gun Extremist and Conspiracist

RFK Jr. is in lockstep with Donald Trump on guns. Like Trump, he parrots right-wing talking points about guns and spreads dangerous conspiracy theories, like the idea that antidepressant medications cause school shootings. He opposes background checks, says nothing can be done to solve the crisis, and parrots the false right-wing claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax.

  • RFK Jr. says gun restrictions can’t reduce gun violence, and that there’s nothing we can do about the availability of guns.
  • RFK Jr. claims that common antidepressant medications cause school shootings.
  • RFK Jr. has said he opposes background checks for gun buyers.
  • RFK Jr. has repeatedly praised people who have falsely claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.
  • RFK Jr. says the National Institutes of Health has been corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry and falsely claims it refuses to investigate the causes of mass shootings.
  • RFK Jr. has said that COVID-19 lockdowns show the need for stronger gun rights.

